This API is used to Open New Ticket Using Service Catalog.Please check
example usage of Vision Helpdesk APIOperation : open_new_ticket
Module : ticket$postfields["vis_module"] = "ticket";
$postfields["vis_operation"] = "open_new_ticket";
// This is the domain id under which you wish to open ticket
$postfields["vis_domain"] = 1;
// This is the department id under which you wish to open ticket
$postfields["vis_department"] = 1;
// This is the department id
$postfields["vis_email"] = "";
// valid client email address
$postfields["vis_service_category"] = 1;
// This is the service category using that you wish to open ticket
$postfields["vis_service_item_id"] = 1;
// This is the service item id
$postfields["vis_channel"] = 1;
// This is the channel id
$postfields["vis_service_cost"] = 100;
// This is the service cost
$postfields["vis_subject"] = "Service Request Ticket subject";
// Ticket subject
$postfields["vis_ticket_post"] = test;
// This is the ticket post data
$postfields["vis_from"] = "";
// This is the from email address that will be displayed in from column
$postfields["vis_status"] = 1;
// This is the status id
$postfields["vis_type"] = 1;
// This is the ticket type id under which you wish to open ticket
$postfields["vis_priority"] = 1;
// This is the ticket priority id
$postfields["vis_from_email"] = "";
// valid mailqueue email address
$postfields["vis_sendmail"] = 0;
// 1 = send email and 0 = don’t send email to client
$postfields["vis_as_client"] = 1;
// 0 = create as staff reply and 1 = create ticket on behalf of client
$postfields["vis_send_message"] = 1;
// 1 = send autoresponder and 0 = don't send auto responder client
$postfields["vis_service_email"] = "";
// valid service email address
$postfields["vis_service_quantity"] = 1;
// This is service quantity
Below is API URL example for Open New Ticket using Service Catelog &vis_txtusername=admin &vis_txtuserpass=21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 &vis_module=ticket &vis_operation=open_new_ticket &vis_domain=1 &vis_department=1 & &vis_service_category=1 &vis_service_item_id=1 &vis_channel=1 &vis_service_cost=100 &vis_subject=Service+Request+Ticket+subject &vis_ticket_post=test & &vis_status=1 &vis_type=1 &vis_priority=1 & &vis_sendmail=1 &vis_as_client=1 &vis_send_message=1 & &vis_service_quantity=1
Or use "access token" to Open New Ticket using Service Catelog &vis_txttoken=T0RSbU56TmpZemxoTlRabU1XWTJOV1ZtT0RWa1ltUm1NR1F6WldJell6VT0= &vis_module=ticket &vis_operation=open_new_ticket &vis_domain=1 &vis_department=1 & &vis_service_category=1 &vis_service_item_id=1 &vis_channel=1 &vis_service_cost=100 &vis_subject=Service+Request+Ticket+subject &vis_ticket_post=test & &vis_status=1 &vis_type=1 &vis_priority=1 & &vis_sendmail=1 &vis_as_client=1 &vis_send_message=1 & &vis_service_quantity=1