
Admin Settings - User Settings

Dennis Braganza May-14th, 2020 21:26 0 0

3. User Management(Staff) :

Staff : Staff are technicians who reply to customer queries and help them with the resolution for same. You can add your staff members from here, while adding you need to configure below settings :

Note: The staff agents can only be added or edited by the super admin or the domain admin.

Note: The access to various features and modules for the staff can be managed under Role and team access. (Admin Settings >>> User Settings ).

Steps to add staff -

Click on Add button and the add below details -

Initials : You can add initials for your staff. For example if staff name is Troy Levis then you can have initials as TL

First name : You can add first name for staff.

Last name : You can add last name for staff.

Gender : You can add Gender for staff - female,male .

Mobile number : You can add Mobile number of staff.

Is a CAB (Change Authority Board) User: You can define the approvers for change,problem and release modules.

Timezone: You can set Time zone for your staff.

Use assigned departments to team : If you select Yes then staff would be assigned departments which are assigned to the team. If no you can select the departments for that staff

Team : You can assign team for staff like Sales,support team etc.

Role : You can define roles for staff i.e. Access rights. Say you have a trainee staff and you have created a role for trainee and defined access rights for

Email : Staff would be receiving alerts if set on this email.

Username : Username of staff using which they can use to login to manage portal

Job title : Designation of staff

Send staff registration email : You can set it Yes or no as per your requirement if you want to send an email to staff.

Steps to update a staff -

Profile : Here you can edit the profile details for staff like personal data, timezone and company details.

Access : Here you can configure below details like -

  • Is a CAB (Change Authority Board) User: You can define the approvers for change,problem and release modules.

A staff who is added as a CAB user does not require additional license.

CAB user are just approver and can see only approval requests.

  • Schedule : You can define under which schedule (working hours ) staff is going to work.
  • Team : You can define team access.
  • Role : You can select role for staff.
  • Use assigned departments to team : If you select Yes then staff would be assigned departments which are assigned to team. If no you can select the departments for that staff

Signature : You can define department wise Signature or a common signature for staff which can be used while replying back to Incident. Also signature can be added for Forums.

Change password : Staff can update or reset their password.

Team -

Team is a collection of staff member and under team you can define departmental access right for the team.

Say you create a Development team which would have access to technical and development department.

Note:- The default team cannot be deleted.

Mass Action on Team:

It is possible to select either of the Team or more than one Team with the

help of checklist and team can be either enabled or disabled.

Apply filter:

You can apply filter based on title and status enable or disable option.

Steps to Add Team :

Title : You can add title for team.

Schedule : Here you can select the schedule under which this team works i.e. working hours.

Department access : You can select the department which you want to assign to this team.

Add : Click on Add button to create a new team.


When it comes to real time use of helpdesk ,you might have to restrict your staff with different access rights.

Let's say an Admin can have access to all settings or a manager can have access to all departments whereas a staff can view only issue or queries assigned to them.

So if you are looking for something similar then its possible using Role,where you are just creating a role and allowing certain access rights and then you just need to define staff to particular role and automatically all access right defined for this particular role would be assigned to staff member.

Also access right can also be used as a security parameter which can be used to allow access as per the roles.

Steps to define role -

  • Log in to your support portal as an administrator.
  • Go to the Admin Settings >>User >>Role

The name of the role is to be specified here.

Incidents/Service catalog:

You can provide access for all the settings related to the incidents from here. Fields for which you can provide the access rights are as given below:

View incidents -

All incidents: Here you can provide the access rights to view all the incidents in the system.

Self assigned: Here you can provide the access rights to view the self assigned incidents in the system.

Nobody and self assigned: Here you can provide the access rights to view the self assigned as well as the unassigned incidents in the system.


Open new ticket:
The setting for the role access can be implemented whether to allow or restrict the staff to open the new incidents.

Move tickets to any department:
The setting for the role access can be implemented whether to allow or restrict the staff to move the incidents to any department.

Forward ticket:
The setting for the role access can be implemented whether to allow or restrict the staff to forward incidents.

Reply/ Reply all ticket:
The setting for the role access can be implemented whether to allow or restrict the staff to reply or to reply all incidents.

Move to trash:
The setting for the role access can be implemented whether to allow or restrict the staff to move the incidents to the trash.

Delete ticket:
The setting for the role access can be implemented whether to allow or restrict the staff to delete the incidents.

Merge ticket:
It will decide whether the staff will have the permission to merge the particular incidents or not.

Change properties:
It will decide whether the staff will have the authority to change the properties of the incidents or not.

Delete ticket post:
The setting for the role access can be implemented whether to allow or restrict the staff to delete the incidents post.

Edit ticket post:
The setting for the role access can be implemented whether to allow or restrict the staff from editing the incidents post.

Apply SLA:
The setting can be made whether the staff will have the permission to apply SLA for the particular incidents or not.

Pause/Resume SLA:
You can allow the staff to pause or resume the SLA.

Change status:
It can be decided whether the staff will have the permission to change the status of the incidents or not.

Change priority:
The setting can be done whether the staff will have the permission to change the incidents priority or not.

Change owner:
It will decide whether the staff will have the permission to change the incidents owner or not.

Change type:
It will decide whether the staff will have the permission to change the incidents type or not.

Change category:
It will decide whether the staff will have the permission to change the incidents category or not.

Change level:
It will decide whether the team will have the permission to change the incidents level or not.

Change location:
It will decide whether the staff will have the permission to change the incidents location or not.

Change flag:
It will decide the permission to change the incident flag or not to the staff.

Split incidents:
It will decide whether the staff will have the permission to split the incidents or not.

Link/ Unlink incidents:
It will decide whether the staff will have the permission to link and unlink the incidents or not.

Export to PDF:
It will decide whether the staff will have the permission to export the incidents to pdf or not.

Time tracking:
It will decide whether the staff will have the permission to track the time for the incidents or not.

Modify recipient and people:
It will decide whether the staff will have the permission to modify recipient and people or not.

Sent email:
It will decide whether the staff will have the permission to sent email or not.

Redirect to the incidents listing on reply:
Here you can enable the settings for redirecting to the ticket listing page after the reply is submitted to ticket that is opened.

People :

Add client:
Here you can provide access for your staff to add clients to the system.

Edit client:
Here you can provide access for your staff to edit clients profile in the system.

Delete client:
Here you can provide access for your staff to delete clients in the system.

Ban client :
Here you can provide access for your staff to ban clients in the system.

Move clients to any organization:
Here you can provide access for your staff to move clients to any organization in the system.


Here you can provide the role access for the solutions module for your staff.

Add Category:
Here you can provide role access for the staff to add category to solutions.

Add Articles:
Here you can provide role access for the staff to add articles to the solutions.

Import Solutions:
Here you can provide role access for the staff to import solutions.


Forums :
Here you can provide role access for the staff to add or update category, forum and topic to the forum module.

Here you can provide role access for the staff to use blabs.

Here you can provide role access for the staff to view, update and manage the task module.

Here you can set the permission for the staff whether to allow or restrict the staff to manage or view the Assets/CMDB.

Here you can provide role access for the staff to add assets to the Helpdesk.

Scan now:
Here you can provide role access for the staff to scan the assets.

View Contract:
Here you can provide role access for the staff to view the contracts.

Network scan:
Here you can provide role access for the staff to scan the network.

Here you can provide role access for the staff to import or export the assets.

Problem Management:
Here you can set the permission for the staff whether to allow or restrict the staff to manage or view the problems.

Here you can make your staff as a creator for Problem management.

Resource Manager:
Here you can make your staff as a Resource Manager for Problem management.

Delivery manager:
Here you can make your staff as a Delivery manager for Problem management.

Risk assessment Manager:
Here you can make your staff as a Risk assessment Manager for Problem management.

ROI Manager:
Here you can make your staff as a ROI Manager for Problem management.

Problem Manager:
Here you can make your staff as a Problem Manager for Problem management.

Change Management:
Here you can set the permission for the staff whether to allow or restrict the staff to manage or view the release.

Here you can make your staff as a requester for Change management.

Here you can make your staff as a Implementer for Change management.

Here you can make your staff as a Tester for Change management.

Here you can make your staff as a Approver for Change management.

Here you can make your staff as a Coordinator for Change management.

Here you can make your staff as a Supervisor for Change management.

Change Manager:
Here you can make your staff as a Change manager for Change management.

Release Management:
Here you can set the permission for the staff whether to allow or restrict the staff to manage or view the release.

Here you can make your staff as a Creator for Release management.

Here you can make your staff as a Supervisor for Release management

Planner and Scheduler manager:
Here you can make your staff as a Planner and Scheduler manager for Release management.

Build and Deployment manager:
Here you can make your staff as a Build and Deployment manager for Release management.

Here you can make your staff as a Tester for Release management

Release Manager:
Here you can make your staff as a Release manager for Release management.

Here you can set the permission for the staff whether to allow or restrict the staff to manage the Integrations.

API Access:
Here you can set the permission for the staff to access the API.

Admin access :

An admin staff is one who has access to system settings from where he can manage the entire product related settings.

You can create 2 types of admin :

Super admin : Super admin will have access to all system settings.

Domain admin : Domain admin can have limited access to system settings based on the access rights you have allocated.

Mass action on Admin access :

You can select a staff or multiple staff using checkbox and click on gear icon where you will get option to remove admin access for the selected staff.

Settings >> Staff Section >>Admin access

Filter list:

Filter list is used to provide more efficient and effective searches. When you enter filter terms in the search box and when filter is applied then the particular list appears according to the filter that is applied.

Apply filter:

When all the details regarding the filter are filled then the filter can be applied for the particular. Depending upon the terms that are filled for the filter to be applied the list appears for the filters.

Update Admin access:

It is possible to edit or update a particular admin access by selecting it from the listing. The changes can be made and it can be updated by the Update button present at the bottom.

Admin type:

Admin type will decide the role that is played by the staff user. The staff user can be either the domain admin or the super admin. If you select Super admin staff will have all the access rights. If you select Domain admin you can provide different domain access rights accordingly.

Domain admin:

Domain access:

The Domain admin will have the access to the domain which is decided from the listing. Based on the domain that is selected the domain admin will have the permission for the particular domain.


It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the module or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the language or not.

Client portal:
It will decide whether the admin can update the client portal or not.

It will decide whether the admin can view the diagnostics or not.

It will decide whether the admin can update the security or not.

Module properties:

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the department or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the status or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the priority or not.

Incident type:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the incident type or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the impact or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the category or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the level or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the channel or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the flag or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the labels or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the risk or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the urgency or not.

Service category:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the service category or not.

Change type:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the change type or not.

User :

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the staff or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the team or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete gamification or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the role or not.

Cab user:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the Cab user or not.


It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the schedule or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the holidays or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the SLA or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the workflow or not..

Round Robin:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the round robin roles or not.

Task Automation:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the task automation or not.

ITIL Automation:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the task automation or not.


Email queue:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the email queue or not.

Break line:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the break line or not.

Email templates:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the email templates or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the SMTP or not.


Custom fields:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the custom fields or not.

Custom field group:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the custom field group or not.

Customer satisfaction:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the customer satisfaction or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the survey or not.

Form builder:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the Form builder or not.

Survey field:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the survey field or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the widget or not.


It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the WHMCS Integrations or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete the Twitter Integrations or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete Facebook Integrations or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete SMS Integrations or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete Livechat or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete Livezilla or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete UserLike or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete Comm100 or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete Twilio or not.

Remote access:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete Remote access or not.

Single login:

Active directory:
It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete Active directory or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete Facebook or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete Twitter or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete Gmail or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete WHMCS or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete Clientexec or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete LinkedIn or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete Wordpress or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete Drupal or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete SugarCRM or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete HostBill or not.

It will decide whether the admin can add, update and delete API or not.

Logs :

Error Log:
It will decide whether you can access the error logs or not.

Parser Log:
It will decide whether you can access the parser logs or not.

Sent email Log:
It will decide whether you can access the sent email logs or not.

Gateway Transactions:
It will decide whether you can access the Gateway Transactions or not.

It will decide whether you can access the activity or not.

Gamification -

Gamification module can be used for employee engagement activity. It also helps to trace out staff performance based on how they are handling Incidents and other activities.

You can reward your staff with reward points based on differents events in helpdesk. Below are the general settings related to Gamification.

Award points -

Fast reply – If staff reply Incident say in less than 10 minutes then you can reward points.

Reply within SLA time - If staff reply Incident within SLA time then you can reward points.

Overdue Incident reply – If staff fails to reply within SLA time than negative points can be given to staff.

Bonus points -

Happy customer (>3 like) of Article - Based on article likes greater than 3 by client, points will get added .

Unhappy customer (<3 rating) of Article - Based on article likes if less than 3 by client, points will get deducted.

Self Help article – Reward points if staff adds selfhelp article.

Incident notes - Reward points if staff adds Incident notes.

Forum topic - Reward points if staff adds Forum topic

Forum topic reply - Reward points if staff replies to forum topic

Staff levels – Based on reward points staff are graduated to differents levels in helpdesk.

Status: Gamification module can be enabled or disabled from here.

You can also create quest for staff .Below are settings for same.

  • Name your quest : You can add name for quest.
  • Quest Description : Here you can add a short description for the quest.
  • Badge : Here you can upload image for badge.
  • Start date : You can specify start date for quest.
  • Bonus points : Here you can define points to be given to staff.
  • Team : You can select team to which you want to assign the quest.
  • Quest type
    • Solving Incidents – If you want to create a quest for solving Incidents.
    • Solutions article – If you want to create a quest for adding solution article.

Solve : You can specify number of Incidents which needs to be solved within a given time span.

Incidents in a span of : You can specify time span or duration within which quest needs to be completed.

Criteria: For quest you can club different AND and OR conditions.

Status: To enable or disable the quest.


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