Here you are able to create single login for the facebook. Using single login the users can login to the client portal using the facebook credentials. After the successful procedure on the client portal there will be facebook icon and the clients will be able to login to the client portal using facebook credentials.
Follow the following steps:
Step 1] Create app from
On create new app page
Display name: Enter some unique name for your app (example: helpdesk app)
Namespace: This is optional leave empty
Category: App for page.
Step 2] Once you have created a facebook app- then you will find the API ID and app secret. The app secret can be extracted by reentering your password.
Ones you have reentered the password then you will find the app secret on the dashboard.
Goto settings and add facebook valid oauth redirect URL , URL should be your helpdesk url for eg :
3] Log-in
to manage portal,
Path: Settings/ Single login/Facebook.
Domain: Domain for which facebook single login settings are to be done is to be selected from the drop down.
App ID: The app id that one gets after creating the facebook app needs to be entered here.
App secret: The app secret that one gets after creating the facebook app needs to be entered here.
Redirect URL: The URL where it should be redirected needs to be mentioned here
For eg :
Status: The
status can be either enabled or disabled from here.