
Filter, views and location of visitors in livechat

Sneha Joshi Jun-9th, 2021 14:41 0 0

The live chat functionality keeps a track of your online visitors. On the live chat board you will find a list of all the visitors who are accessing your web pages where you have displayed your live chat widget.

In addition to that, you will find filters, views and location on the top right side of the screen.

  • Filter - On the top right side of the screen, you will find an option to apply filters. Using this filter option you will be able to filter out any visitor from the available list of online visitors. The filter can be applied based on the country of origin, name of the browser and the status of chat, i.e. active or inactive.

  • Views - On the visitors board, you can see the visitors are listed one after the other. The details of the visitors are displayed in a sequential manner under the default chat view where you can find the referrer, IP address, timezone and browser. Your staff can add their own views using the ‘add chat view’ option and toggle between the views.

To add a new chat view, a simple operation of drag and drop has to be done where you can select the required fields from the column of available fields. These fields need to be dragged and dropped in the selected fields column. You can also specify the order of visitors, i.e. newest first or oldest first. You can also define how many visitors should be displayed on one page and you can shuffle between the pages using pagination.

  • Visitor’s map - You can also view the location of the visitor on the world map using the visitor’s map. The position of the visitor is marked by the location vector icon.


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