
Live chat reports

Sneha Joshi Jun-5th, 2021 20:52 1 0

Reports available for Live Chat:

The below reports are available for Live Chat.

Statistical Reports-

Chat rating

Incidents grouped by live chat

Visitor report

Department wise chat report

Staff wise chat report

Completed chat staff wise report

Missed chat department wise report

Completed chat department wise report

Referrer based report

Visitor wise report

Visit pages wise visitor report

Staff forward chat report

Missed chat staff wise report

Client wise chat report

Staff productivity per chat report

Organization wise chat report

Time spent by client

Client with max chats

Prechat custom field report

Visitor navigation report

All staff chat count

Graphical Reports

Department wise chat report

Staff wise chat report

Organization wise chat report

Chat per visitor

Day wise report

Hourly base report


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