Solutions Dashboard
Solutions are knowledgebase articles that can be added in the system which serve as a self-help for the clients. These articles added in your Solutions module can be from anywhere, but usually comes from several contributors who are well versed on the subject. This knowledge base can include FAQ’s, troubleshooting guides, and any other nitty gritty `details you may want or need to know. Managing a knowledge base is the ideal way to handle high-volume, simple interactions.
Solutions module can be accessed through the launcher icon in the inbox of the staff portal. When you access the solution module, firstly you will have to select the domain from your available domains. You will then land on a page called the solutions dashboard. Here you will find three major classifications, namely category, article, comment.
Under category, you will find the number of articles added recently in the system as well as the total number of articles added in the system under a particular domain.
In articles you will find the total number of recently added articles under all categories combined, featured articles are those which are always featured on top of the list and total number of articles added in the system under a specific domain.
Comments when posted by the clients or staff members, are unapproved by default. When the admin goes through these comments he can either choose to approve a comment, mark it as spam, edit or delete it as per his choice.
On the dashboard itself you will also find various articles listed below the respective category they are added. Hence, the articles are segregated category wise for the client's convenience. Beside these articles, on the right hand side you can also see articles that have been recently added in the system.
On the top right corner of the screen, you have an option to search for a specific article using filter option. This option can be accessed through the
filter icon. Here, you can specify the domain name, category under which the article is added and title or keywords of the article which will help the system to zero down on the required article.
Beside this filter option is the ‘more list’ icon through which you can choose to perform various operations such as adding a new category in the system, adding a new article under a category, importing an article from outside VHD and exporting an article from VHD.
As you can see categories along with the articles listed below on the dashboard. On the right corner of the category you have some additional options available in the drop down menu. You can edit the category details, delete the category or even clone the category. Cloning a category will create an additional category where you can select whether you want to duplicate just the category or the category along with the entire contents. You can also change the destination of the category during this operation.