
Gmail SMTP Modern Authentication

Sneha Joshi Jan-25th, 2024 14:46 0 0

Steps 1) You need to login to the following URL

Search Gmail API and click on it

Then click on Enable

After this click on the drop down that is beside “Google Cloud Platform”

Then click on “NEW PROJECT”

Fill in the details and then click on the CREATE button

Then click on SELECT PROJECT

Now under Credentials click on
+CREATE CREDENTIALS and select the OAuth client ID

Select the Application type as Web application

Then under the Auth Redirect URIs add the following URL

Now click on the button “SAVE”

Copy the Client ID and Client Secret key.

Now login to the Admin settings of your helpdesk software
Then under email >> SMTP add new SMTP and fill the details and click on Add

Now click on Authenticate

It will redirect to Gmail, you need to choose the respective Gmail account

The Gmail SMTP is authenticated now

Now you send the incidents/tickets from Vision Helpdesk by using Gmail SMTP


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