This API is used to Add Client
Please check example usage of Vision Helpdesk API
Operation : add_client
Module : client
$postfields["vis_module"] = "client";
// This is the module under which you wish to perform operation
$postfields["vis_operation"] = "add_client";
// This is the operation field
$postfields["vis_email"] = "";
// This is the email address of client
$postfields["vis_firstname"] = "Testone";
// This is the first name of client
$postfields["vis_domain"] = 1;
// This is the domain id under which you wish to add this client
$postfields["vis_client_type"] = 1;
// 1-call client, 0-email client if no specified default 0 considered
$postfields["vis_lastname"] = "Vhd";
// This is the last name of client
$postfields["vis_username"] = "test1.vhd";
// This is the username of client, required only for Call Client i.e vis_client_type=1
Below is example API usage for Add Client - Email client &vis_txtusername=admin &vis_txtuserpass=21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 &vis_module=client &vis_operation=add_client & &vis_firstname=testtwo &vis_lastname=vhd &vis_domain=1 &vis_mobile_number=9876543210 &vis_client_type=0
OR use "access token" to Add Client - Email client &vis_txttoken=WXprMk1UY3dZV1V6WWpZeU16RmpOelF3TVdReE5UWTJOVGMyTm1VeU4yUT0= &vis_module=client &vis_operation=add_client & &vis_firstname=testtwo &vis_lastname=vhd &vis_domain=1 &vis_mobile_number=9876543210 &vis_client_type=0
Below is example API usage for Add Client - Call client &vis_txtusername=admin &vis_txtuserpass=21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 &vis_module=client &vis_operation=add_client &vis_username=test3 &vis_firstname=testthree &vis_lastname=vhd &vis_domain=1 &vis_mobile_number=9876543210 &vis_client_type=1
OR use "access token" to Add Client - Call client &vis_txttoken=WXprMk1UY3dZV1V6WWpZeU16RmpOelF3TVdReE5UWTJOVGMyTm1VeU4yUT0= &vis_module=client &vis_operation=add_client &vis_username=test3 &vis_firstname=testthree &vis_lastname=vhd &vis_domain=1 &vis_mobile_number=9876543210 &vis_client_type=1