
Reports in Vision Helpdesk

Dennis Braganza Apr-25th, 2020 7:28 0 0

Reports in Vision Helpdesk

A report is a document that presents information in an organised format. This format can be defined as per requirement and it helps target a specific audience and purpose. Reports help provide all the necessary information in short, sharp and concise format. The data needs to be clear and well-structured to communicate across the details.

The reports module in the staff portal can be accessed through the launcher icon

in the inbox. Here, you can select reports module from the list of modules available in the system.

Once you click on this option you will be redirected to the reports overview page. If you have multiple domains you will first need to check and update the domain name before proceeding further. In reports overview you will find multiple tabs on the screen detailing different reports available in the system.

The first tab being overview, you will see the overview of all the incidents submitted department wise. The duration of this overview report can be selected from the drop down option provided on top of the report. From the available durations you can select any option and an overview bar chart report will be generated and displayed on the screen. If you need to generate a report for a duration which is not mentioned in the drop down options, you can select a custom report and specify the duration.

This overview report segregates the tickets received in the system based on departments for which the ticket has been submitted. A horizontal bar graph is displayed on the screen where an individual bar represents a department. The department wise tickets submitted are further divided based on the status of the ticket on the stacked bar graph. When you hover your mouse pointer on the stacked bar graph, you will be able to see the status wise segregation of tickets in any particular department. As the stacked bar graph consists of multiple colours, on the right side of the graph the colour coding of tickets is also displayed for better understanding.

In addition to this, on the right side of the screen, adjacent to the graph, you will also see the total count of tickets received in the system for the duration for which the overview report has been generated.

On the overview page itself, on the top right corner of the screen you will find the more list icon. When you click on this icon, a drop down list comprising of various types of reports that can be drawn in VHD, the download queue from where you can download the reports as well as the option to select the columns for a custom report is displayed.

From this option you may choose to access other reports as well. Like if you are checking out other reports as well, the overview option helps you land on the overview tab where you get department wise overview of all the incidents received in the system in a particular duration.

Statistical reports provide you raw data that is straightforward to analyse. These reports are primarily used for in-depth analysis of the situation.

Graphical reports provide a visual display of data which is in an easy to understand format and helps management to make important decisions.

Custom reports are used to draw reports based on the criterias of your choice to evaluate the incidents received in the system.

Schedule reports are used to draw reports on a future date at a specific time. You can also specify the duration of these reports.

Download queue is the tab where you can find all the exported reports ready for downloading.

Using customize columns for custom reports you can select the criterias which will be displayed on the reports exported or downloaded from the system.

Create custom reports is used when you wish to create a new custom report from the system. It can be either an incident builder report where you specify the properties you wish to include or simply an incident report where the criteria is predefined.


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