Features available with the Livechat integration with visionhelpdesk :
- Live chat option would be available on client portal wherein clients can chat with your staff using the Livechat tool.
- Even you can convert the chat to ticket from manage portal.
To integrate Livechat with this system follow the following steps:
Step 1:- Login to your Livechat account: http://livechatinc.com/
Step 2:- Go to My profile >> View profile and on right hand side section you can find "You API key".
(You will get Login and API key from here.)Please refer below screenshot.)
Step 3:- Go to settings >> Channels >>Chat widget >> Copy the script that you find on the right hand side of the page.
Step 4:- Log-in to the manage portal, Settings >>Integrations >> Livechat and add the API key and script code.
Note : You need to enable the Livechat from admin setting>>Staff>>Role >>Integration>>Livechat and select yes.
Post Integration -
Once you are done with integration Live chat window would be available on your client portal and your client can chat directly with your staff.
In Admin/staff portal your staff can convert the chat into ticket and resolve their issue.
Follow below steps -
Now click on the icon which is highlighted in above screenshot and you will find livechat icon.
Click on Live chat icon and you can see all the chat listed which you had with your client.
Open the chat conversation which you want to convert into ticket.