This API is used to Get Clients List
Please check example usage of Vision Helpdesk API
Operation : get_clients
Module : client
$postfields["vis_module"] = "client";
// This is the module under which you wish to perform operation
$postfields["vis_operation"] = "get_clients";
// This is the operation field
Below is example API URL to get list of clients vis_txtusername=admin &vis_txtuserpass=21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 &vis_module=client &vis_operation=get_clients
OR use "access token" to get list of clients vis_txttoken=WXprMk1UY3dZV1V6WWpZeU16RmpOelF3TVdReE5UWTJOVGMyTm1VeU4yUT0= &vis_module=client &vis_operation=get_clients
If you wish to get particular client details then you can add a filter
$postfields["vis_filter"] = "client_id=1";
// This will allow you to fetch client details of client having id 1
// or first_name="James" -to fetch client having first name "James"
Below is example API URL to get details of particular client vis_txtusername=admin &vis_txtuserpass=21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 &vis_module=client &vis_operation=get_clients &vis_filter=client_id=1
OR use "access token" to get details of particular client vis_txttoken=WXprMk1UY3dZV1V6WWpZeU16RmpOelF3TVdReE5UWTJOVGMyTm1VeU4yUT0=<span class="redactor-invisible-space"> </span>&vis_module=client &vis_operation=get_clients &vis_filter=client_id=1
If you are listing clients you may want to get count or number of clients here is how you can get the number of clients -
$postfields["vis_details_req"] = 1;
Below is example API URL to get list of clients with count vis_txtusername=admin &vis_txtuserpass=21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 &vis_module=client &vis_operation=get_clients &vis_details_req=1
OR use "access token" to get list of clients with count vis_txttoken=WXprMk1UY3dZV1V6WWpZeU16RmpOelF3TVdReE5UWTJOVGMyTm1VeU4yUT0=<span class="redactor-invisible-space"> </span>&vis_module=client &vis_operation=get_clients &vis_details_req=1