Service Catalog
The Service Catalog is a place where all the products of the company are displayed, so the end users can place a Service Request for ordering the respective product or service. The Service Catalog is visible only after the client logs into his client portal.The Service Catalog module uses ITIL 2011 Edition process terms and align to ITIL 2011 Edition workflows and process integrations.
Access can be defined to staff from roles and department wise from Admin settings.
Using this you can allow only authorized staff and users to view, open, modify, authorize and close records based on their role.
Service Request
A Service Request ID beginning with SR- shall be added whenever a new service request is generated.
Service Catalog Settings
The Service catalog related settings are available under Admin Settings >>> Module Properties >>> Service Category.
A service item can also be linked to vendor.
Go to admin setting>>module properties >>service item
The tool have pre-packaged Service Catalog content and configurable service definition templates which can be managed by service request.
Service Category can be used to categorize the multiple services that you offer. Categories can be added domain wise.
Adding and managing a Service Category
Domain access: The domain or the client portals on which you want the service category to be visible on can be added here.
Service request OR Service catalog: Here you can define if the category is to be added for the Service request or to be displayed on the Service Catalog.
Title *: This would be the title for the Service Category.
Description *: You can add the description of the Service category here.
Status: The status of the Service category can be enabled or disabled from here.
Add: You need to click on the Add option once you have filled in the above fields.
Note: A star (*) symbol denotes that the field is mandatory.
Service Items are the actual services that you offer to your client and list upon the client portal under the Service catalog.
Service Catalog provide views into services
Adding and managing a Service Item
Title *: This would be the title of the service.
Service request OR Service catalog: Here you can define if the Service Item is to be added on the Service request OR Service catalog.
Service category *: The Service category under which the service item needs to be added can be defined here.
Department: The department to which the service item relates can be selected here for mapping purpose. Therefore the service items can be categorized based on the department selected.
Description *: The details of the Service Item needs to be added here.
Vendor: Here you can select the vendor.
Cost *: The cost of the service item needs to be added here.
Visible to client portal: Here you can define if you want the cost to be visible under the service catalog of the client portal.
Estimated delivery in days and Hours: Here you can define the time required for the delivery of the service item when the client places a service request from the client portal.
Visible to client portal: Here you can define if you want the delivery time to be visible under the service catalog of the client portal.
Quantity - Visible to client portal: You can tick this option if you want the client to specify the quantity while placing a service request.
Item image: The image that should be displayed for the Service item on the service catalog needs to be added here.
Status: The service item can be enabled or disabled from here.
You can manage Business Agreements in the Service Catalog
Add: Once the above fields have been filled, click on Add to add the Service room.
Custom fields can be added if you want additional fields on the Service request to gather more information from the client.
Note: A star (*) symbol denotes that the field is mandatory.
Title, description, cost are mandatory.
Also forms with custom fields can be added for ordering the service components
Adding a custom field to the Service catalog
Service Item: The service item for which you want the custom field to be added needs to selected here.
The type of custom field can be selected from the below options.
Text box, Text area, Password, Checkbox, Radio button, Select box, Multiple select box, Date time.
The below fields need to be filled while adding a custom field to the service catalog.
Textbox Field details as below:
Field title *: The title for the custom field needs to be added here.
Default value: The default value that needs to be added to the field can be selected here.
Field description: A description of the additional info required can be added here.
Display order: This can be used to define the sequence of the custom field.
Regular expression validation: You can define if the content needs to be an Email, Numeric, Alpha-numeric or Alphabetic.
Is required (Yes / No): Here you can define if you want the custom field to be mandatory.
User editable (Yes / No): Mark this as “Yes” if you want the client to have access to edit the custom field.
Staff editable (Yes / No): Mark this as “Yes” if you want the staff to have access to edit the custom field.
Status: Here you can enable or disable the custom field.
Add: Once you have added the above fields, click on Add to save the changes.
Note: A star (*) symbol denotes that the field is mandatory.
Field title is a mandatory field.
Audit Log / audit trail:
The audit log tab in the Service request shows the logs of all the changes and historical records made over the service request. IMAC field is available after a CI is linked to SR. The audit log is also updated on IMAC
The history tab on the Service request shows the list of all the Service requests and Incidents submitted by the client till date.
Service Catalog on the Client Portal
The client can view the available products or services under the Service catalog of the client portal. This integration with service catalog systems or module to support the user via the service catalog option is available only after the client logs into the customer portal.
Options within the Service Catalog on the Client Portal
The client gets an option to define the quantity of the product or services that he orders from the service catalog. As the client is logged in to the client portal, the email ID would be fetched into the request automatically. Once the client places an order, he will receive a Service Request ID for the same, which can be used for tracking the request.
Reports for the Service Requests
The below predefined reports and ad hoc reports are available for the Service Requests.
Service request overview report
Service request first response report
Service request AVG. response time
Service request Staff AVG. response time
Service request resolved report
You can see a sample report for Service Requests in the above image. The duration and domain can be selected while creating the report.
You would get an option export the report and also schedule the report to be generated at regular intervals.
Archiving of Service requests
We offer an option to archiving a Service request / catalog under admin settings > Archive
You can also archive a service request based on the status.
Service Request in the Inbox
The Service Request would land in the Inbox also known as the Incident management page. The Service request would begin with SR and also have a cart symbol to easily distinguish from an incident.
Within a Service Request (admin portal)
You can see the name and email of the client who has placed the request for the Service. Just below that you can see the SLA plan applied and the pending response and resolution time for the same.
Incident details / properties:
Assigned to: The staff to whom the service request is assigned.
Department: The department to which the service request belongs.
The other properties / details that can be seen under the options are Status, Priority, Type, Flag, Tags, Category as professional,technical, services, Subcategory, Item and Lifecycle stage.
The lifecycle stage can be selected from Requirements, Definition, Analysis, Approval, Charter, Design, Development, Build, Test, Release, Operational/live, Retiring, Retired.
The options for the Incident details / properties can be added and modified under Admin Settings > Module properties.
Recipient and people: This would include the client email who submitted the request.
Quick Search option:
The quick search option can be used to search for a service request. You can search for the service request based on various conditions like email ID, subject or ticket hash.
The search option allows you to search module wise. We also offer an advanced search option if you want to search using multiple conditions.
Department wise view -
Department wise view can be set using the Service category.
Using Filters for Service Requests:
We have created a filter for viewing “all service requests” under the Filter option on the left side of the Incident management page.
Automation for a Service request:
The Service requests can be automated as required by defining the rules under the Workflow.
The workflow that is based on Events, Criterias and Action can be used to assign, escalate or create escalation rules, alert, SLA application, labels, etc.
Go to admin setting>>automation >>SLA and you can define different SLA for service request which can be applied using workflow.
Under SLA you can define the response and resolution time.You can also link the same to a schedule.
SLA can be triggered using workflow rules.
Example: Escalating a Service Request if overdue.
Alerting your Staff for New or Assigned Service request:
We also offer an option where the staff can be assigned on their registered email address as per the defined rules in the Alert option under admin settings > Alerts.
Example: Receive an alert on assignment of a service request ticket.
Steps to add a Service request from the Admin Portal:
Click on the + button on the top right corner of the screen. Then click on Service request.
A popup window will open giving you the option to add a Service Catalog or a Service Request. In case of the Service catalog, you can select the Service catalog and Service Item from the drop-down box.
After that you can fill in the below fields to create a Service Catalog request.
Service catalog Request
To *: The client’s email address will be added here.
From *: The support email ID would be added by default. You can choose between the department email ID and staff email ID.
Subject *: The subject of the Service request can be added here.
Apply macro: A macro template can be added to the Service request description from here.
Assigned to: This would be the staff to whom the service request will be assigned.
Attach CI: A CI can be attached from here.
Description field: The Description field can be used to add the service description that will facilitate the creation and publication of service descriptions and details. The text editor in the description field also includes options to add an attachment, links, images, HTML, etc.
Status: This would be the status of the service request.
Priority: This would be the priority of the service request.
Type: This would be the type of the service request.
Staff comment: An internal comment for staff can be added here.
Send email: Tick this option to send an email to the client.
Autoresponder: Tick this option to have an autoresponder be sent to the client.
Visible to client: Tick this option to have the service request made visible to the client on the client portal.
As client: Tick this option in order to place the service request on behalf of the client.
Schedule incident: Tick this option to schedule the incident to re-occur at a regular frequency.
Create Incident: Once the above fields have been filled, click on create incident to add the Service request.
Another condition would be:
Selection of the Service Request while adding a new service request.
Selecting the Service record option would take us to the Service Catalog where the Products or Services are listed. You can place a request for the desired service from the available options.
Upon clicking on Request, you would come to the below screen, where you can add the client email ID and quantity of item requested. The price would be updated accordingly.
Once you place the request, the service request would be added under the Incident Management page.
Below is a screenshot of how a service request would be at the staff end.
Using Task and Task Automation for Service requests:
You can add a task manually or have tasks created and assigned to your staff automatically based on the rules that you define for a service catalog / service request.
Linking of a Service Request:
The options to link the service request to various attributes are listed in the drop down option on the right side of the screen within a service request.
Link or add task: You can Link or add task with a Service Request using this option.
Attach CI: You can attach a CI with a Service Request using this option.
Link or add problem: You can Link or add Problem request with a Service Request using this option.
Link or add change: You can Link or add a Change request with a Service Request using this option.
Link or add release: You can Link or add a release request with a Service Request using this option.
Link incident: You can Link an incident with a Service Request using this option.
Define and manage Business Agreements against the Services contained in the Service Catalog: This can be done using the note option on the top right corner options.
General Ledger: (Integration with Financial systems)
The tool integrates with financial systems to link IT Services in the Catalog to General Ledger. The General Ledger is available under the admin settings > module properties > general ledger.
Add general ledger fields.
Expense type*: The Expense type needs to be selected here.
Cost model *: The cost model needs to be added here.
Description*: The Details and Description needs to be added here.
Account number*: The account needs to be added here.
Account Name*: The name of account holder needs to be added here.
Amount*: The amount needs to be added here.
Location: The location needs to be selected from here.
Add: Once you have filled the above fields, click on Add option to add the general ledger.
Service Levels:
Service levels can be added in the admin settings. Eg: Gold, silver, bronze.
The service levels can be applied and modified on the options on the left side of service request.
IMAC: Install Manage Add Change.
The IMAC - Request fulfillment is visible on the Service request after a CI is attached to it. The below details can be added in IMAC.
Install status: Started, In progress or Completed.
Install details: the install details and description can be filled here.
Move status: Started, In progress or Completed.
Move details: The move details and description can be filled here.
Add status: Started, In progress or Completed.
Add details: The add details and description or instructions can be filled here.
Change status: Started, In progress or Completed.
Change details: The change details and description can be filled here.
Update: Once you have completed the above fields, click on update to save the changes.
Audit log : You can find the changes in audit log.
Upon IMAC status change - audit log is updated. IMAC field is available after a CI is linked to Service Request.
Notification,escalation and alerts :
Workflow and alerts can be used to to notify the staff and user over the email address.
Also workflow can be used to automate the product for various events.
automate the creation and tracking of Service Requests through the Service Catalog -
The Service requests are auto created as per the request from the service catalog in the client portal.
Go to client portal>>Service catalog