Here you are able to create single login for the Twitter. Using single login the users can login to the client portal using the Twitter credentials. After the successful entering single login details on the client portal there will be Twitter icon and the clients will be able to login to the client portal using Twitter credentials.
Steps to create single login:
Step 1] Create app from
On create new app page
Name: Enter some unique name for your app (example: Helpdesk app)
Description: This will be displayed in authorization page.
Website: The website URL will be mentioned here.
Callback URL: The client portal URL should be mentioned here.
Once you have created app click on button Create My Access Token
Step 2] The new app that you have created will have access level Read only >> click on settings tab on your app
There set application type >> access = read, write and direct messages
Step 3] Click on OAuth tab on your app and you will find consumer key, consumer secret, access token and access token secret fields.
Step 4] Log-in to manage portal,
Path: Settings/Single login/Twitter.
Domain: Domain for which the single login settings are to be done is to be selected from the drop down.
Consumer key: Consumer key that one gets after creating the twitter app is to be entered here.
Consumer secret: Consumer secret that one gets after entering the twitter app is to be entered here.
Callback URL: The URL where it is to be redirected needs to be mentioned here. It should be the client portal URL and should contain ‘/’ at the end.
Status: The status can be either enabled or disabled from here.