The Vision Helpdesk APP can be used by your staff members to check and respond to tickets received from clients.
The APP can be installed on Android Devices.
Note: This APP is compatible with the latest version of Vision Helpdesk.
Please follow the below steps for Android Devices:
Go to your Google Play Store >> Search for Vision Helpdesk
After that select Vision Helpdesk and proceed to INSTALL
After installing the vision helpdesk app continue to login
Domain Name:
The vision helpdesk Domain Name which you get after signing for the account
User Name: The staff username who is using the staff portal
Password: Saved password over the portal
Click on the submit option after entering all the details
After entering into the system you will get an overview of all the modules same as the desktop portal.
You can create and reply to the incidents from your android mobile app only.
Feel free to contact us at in case you require any assistance with the configuration of the Vision helpdesk APP on your mobile phone.