Configuration item type : A configuration item (CI) can be a hardware,software,service or other item that needs to be managed within a company to ensure better delivery of services.
You can add different CI type as per your requirements.You can either add a CI type at the root level or as a sub type.The CI type can be viewed and added in hierarchical order or tree structure.
Steps to added CI -
Click on add CI type
Here you need to fill below fields -
Note : if you add a CI type at root level then by default Parent category is displayed and in case you are adding a sub CI type then you would be able to select parent CI type under which you want to add the sub CI type.
Adding CI field : Sometimes there would be a requirement where you to have added additional fields for particular CI type. For example you want to capture additional information for asset say color of asset, so you can add the additional field from here.
Click on the add custom field.
Now here you can select the additional fields which you want to add under the CI.
Note : The Custom field added would be visible under properties option when you try to add an asset from CMDB.
Asset state
Asset states are provided for tracking the assets with its present state. It is the important property as it will affect the availability of the configuration item (CI).
For example – In production,Transit,In use, In stock etc.
Add asset state
Mass operation on Asset state:
You can either select a particular asset or multiple asset state using the checkbox and you can enable or disable them using the setting icon.
Note : The default asset state cannot be deleted or disabled but you can edit and rename it.
License Type:
License type defines whether its a commercial license or open source etc .
Add license type
Title: The name for the license type should be specified here.
Color: You can select the color of the license type.
Description: A short description for the license type can be specified here.
Display order: If there are many license types available then the sorting can be done from the display order.
Domain access: It consists of the domain that will have the access to the particular license type. More than one domain can be selected at a time and all domain can be selected using all domain option.
Language translation for the license type: The localization of the languages which are enabled can be made here manually for the license type title in this system.
Status: It is possible to enable and disable a particular license type. If the particular license type is disabled then it will not be used by the system.
Mass operation on License type :
You can either select a particular license type or multiple license type using the checkbox and you can enable or disable them using the setting icon.
Note : The default license type cannot be deleted or disabled but you can edit and rename it.
Software Type : You can list down the software types under this section. It would help to easily differentiate when you have a large number of software used in an organization.
Example: Commercial, Freeware, etc
Below are the fields -
Title : You can add the title for Software type.
Description: You can add the description for software type.
Display order : The software type listing is sorted based on Display order.
Domain access : You can select the Domain name here.
Status: You can enable or disable the software type.
Mass Operation for Software type:
You can either select the software type or multiple software types using the checkbox and you can enable or disable the same.
Software Category : You can add the list of software categories here. The software categories that are added here would be visible while adding a software asset.
Below are the fields -
Title : You can add the title for Software category.
Description: You can add the description for software category.
Display order : The software category listing is sorted based on Display order.
Domain access : You can select the Domain name here.
Status: You can enable or disable the software category.
Mass Operation for Software category:
You can either select the software category or multiple software category using the checkbox and you can enable or disable the same.
Manufacturer : The Manufacturer of an asset can be added here. Having a list of the manufactures would make it easy for ordering the products in future.
Steps to add Manufacturer :
Below are the fields -
Title : You can add the title for manufacturer.
Description: You can add the description for manufacturer.
Display order : The manufacturer listing is sorted based on Display order.
Domain access : You can select the Domain name here.
Status: You can enable or disable the manufacturer.
Mass Operation for Manufacturer :
You can either select the manufacturer or multiple manufacturer using the checkbox and you can enable or disable the same.
Model : Here you can list the model types of various assets of your organization. It can be a model of your computer, Air conditioner or Printer. The model would help to easily classify similar devices.
Below are the fields -
Title : You can add the title for model.
Description: You can add the description for model.
Display order : The model listing is sorted based on Display order.
Domain access : You can select the Domain name here.
Status: You can enable or disable the model.
Mass Operation for Manufacturer :
You can either select the model or multiple model using the checkbox and you can enable or disable the same.
Auto Discovery :
Lifecycle status : The lifecycle stages of the Assets can be added here. The lifecycle stage helps in easily classifying the stage at which the asset currently is. It also helps in keeping a track on the assets that are getting old.
Below are the fields -
Title : You can add the title for life cycle of asset.
Color : You can select color for lifecycle you add.
Description: You can add a description for lifecycle of asset.
Display order : The model listing is sorted based on Display order.
Domain access : You can select the Domain name here.
Status: You can enable or disable the model.
Mass Operation for lifecycle :
You can either select the lifecycle or multiple lifecycle using the checkbox and you can enable or disable the same.
Software License type: Here you can add the list of software license types. The added options would be visible in the software assets properties.
Example: Enterprise software, Concurrent software, etc.
Below are the fields -
Title : You can add the title for Software license type.
Color : You can select color for Software license type.
Description: You can add the description for Software license type.
Display order : The Software license type listing is sorted based on Display order.
Domain access : You can select the Domain name here.
Status: You can enable or disable the model.
Mass Operation for Software license type:
You can either select the Software license type or multiple Software license type using the checkbox and you can enable or disable the same.
Disposition Status: Here you can add the various types of methods in which the Asset could be disposed. Some might resell the asset, others might donate it, while some others might believe in destroying it. So you can add the ways you plan to dispose the assets of your organization here.
Below are the fields -
Title : You can add the title for disposition status.
Color : You can select color for disposition status.
Description: You can add a description for disposition status.
Display order : The disposition status listing is sorted based on Display order.
Domain access : You can select the Domain name here.
Status: You can enable or disable the model.
Mass Operation for disposition status:
You can either select the disposition status or multiple disposition status using the checkbox and you can enable or disable the same.
License control status : For any software manufacturer, it’s very important to define how the licenses of the software are to be made usable to the end users.
Example: Available for distribution, Distributed and consumed, etc.
Below are the fields -
Title : You can add the title for license control status.
Color : You can select color for license control status.
Description: You can add a description for license control status.
Display order : The license control status listing is sorted based on Display order.
Domain access : You can select the Domain name here.
Status: You can enable or disable the model.
Mass Operation for Software license type:
You can either select the license control status or multiple license control status using the checkbox and you can enable or disable the same.
Asset Department : While adding assets you can select for which department this asset belongs to.
Say you have a printer for Billing department then you can select the same while adding asset.
Here you can add the departments.
Below are the fields -
Title : You can add the title for asset department.
Description: You can add the description for asset department.
Display order : The asset department listing is sorted based on Display order.
Domain access : You can select the Domain name here.
Status: You can enable or disable the model.
Mass Operation for Asset Department:
You can either select the asset department or multiple asset department using the checkbox and you can enable or disable the same.
You can add details of your vendor from whom you are purchasing your assets like hardware, software etc.
Add vendor
Name: The name for the vendor is to be specified here.
Primary contact: The primary contact for the vendor is to be specified here.
Email: The email for the vendor is to be specified here.
Description: A short description about the vendor is to be mentioned here.
Address: Address of the vendor is to be mentioned here.
Domain access: It consists of domain that will have access to particular vendor. More than one domain can be selected at a time. It is also possible to select all the domain using all domain option.
Status: The status of the vendor can be either enabled or disabled from here.
Once you have added the Vendor then you can link the product related to that Vendor.
You can also import vendor list using CSV file and export the vendor list.
Mass operation on Vendor :
You can either select a particular Vendor or multiple Vendor using checkbox and perform operations like enable or disable.
Note : You cannot delete or disable the default vendor but you can edit and rename the same.
Product catalog
Product catalog offers centralized approach to manage products that you are currently using in your organization.
For example : laptop, mouse ,printer etc.
Add product catalog
Title: The name for the particular product catalog can be added from here.
CI type: The category for configuration item type can be selected from here.
Manufacturer: The manufacturer for the product is to be specified here.
Product status: The status of the particular product that is added is to be selected from the drop down.
Mode of procurement: The mode of procurement for the particular product is to be selected from the drop down.
Description: The description for the particular product is to be specified here.
Domain access: It consists of domain that will have the access to particular product catalog. More than one domain can be selected at a time. It is possible to select all the departments using all domain option.
Status: The status for the particular product catalog can be either enabled or disabled from here.
Mass operation on product catalog:
You can either select a particular product catalog or multiple product catalog using checkbox and perform operation like enable or disable.
You can also import product catalog list using CSV file and export the product catalog list.
Product status
Product status helps us to know whether the product is under production or expired for tracking its utilization feasibility.
Add product status
Title: The name for the product status is to be specified here.
Color: In this field you can select the color for the particular status.
Description: A short description of the product status is to be specified here.
Display order: If there are many product statuses that are available then sorting can be done from display order. Product statuses get sorted as per the display order for the product status specified.
Domain access: It consists of domain that will have access to particular product status. More than one domain can be selected at a time. It is also possible to select all the domains using all domains option.
Language translation for the product status: The localization of the languages which are enabled can be made here manually for the product status title in this system.
Status: The status for the product status can be enabled and disabled from here. If the status is disabled then the particular product status cannot be used by the system.
Mass operation on Product status:
You can either select a particular Product status or multiple Product status using checkbox and perform operation like enable or disable.
Note : You cannot delete or disable the default Product status but you can edit and rename the same.
Modes of procurement
A mode of procurement which comes under the product catalog management defines the ways of acquiring the product by certain medium for instance like acquiring the product on basis of lease.
Add mode of procurement
Title: The name for the mode of procurement should be specified here.
Color: You can set the color to the mode of procurement.
Description: A short description of the mode of procurement is to be specified here.
Display order: If there are many modes of procurements that are available then sorting can be done from display order. Mode of procurement gets sorted as per the display order that is specified.
Department access: It consists of departments that will have access to particular mode of procurement. More than one department can be selected at a time. It is also possible to select all the departments using all departments option.
Language translation for the modes of procurement: The localization of the languages which are enabled can be made here manually for the modes of procurement title in this system.
Status: The status for the mode of procurement can be either enabled or disabled from here.
Mass operation on Mode of Procurement:
You can either select a particular Mode of procurement or multiple using checkbox and perform operation like enable or disable.
Note : You cannot delete or disable the default Mode of procurement but you can edit and rename the same.
Depreciation type:
By default there are four DT(Depreciation Type):
DT-SL (Straight line): Straight line depreciation method charges cost evenly throughout the useful life of a fixed asset.
DT-DB (Declining balance): Declining balance refers to the asset's book value or carrying value at the beginning of the accounting period. Book value is an asset's cost minus its accumulated depreciation.
DT-DDB (Double declining balance): The double declining balance depreciation method is an accelerated depreciation method that counts twice as much of the asset's book value each year as an expense compared to straight-line depreciation.
DT-SOD (Sum of year’s digit): Sum of the years' digits depreciation method involves calculating depreciation based on the sum of the number of years in an asset's useful life.
Note: Default depreciation cannot be disabled or deletes.
Add depreciation type
Title: The title for the depreciation type should be specified here.
Display order: If there are many depreciation types that are available then sorting can be done from display order. Depreciation types get sorted as per the display order for the depreciation type specified.
Depreciation: Depreciation method that is to be used is to be selected from the drop down.
Useful life (in years): The useful life in years should be mentioned here.
Description: A short description of the depreciation type is to be mentioned here.
Domain access: It consists of domain that will have access to particular depreciation type. More than one domain can be selected at a time. It is also possible to select all the domain using all domain option.
Status: The status of the depreciation type can be either enabled or disabled from here.
Contract type
In contract management of ITIL you can maintain a record of the contracts with third party vendor. Here you can add, update and delete the different contract types.
Example Company A is your vendor from where you have purchased your assets like laptops, licensed software etc., you can manage those contracts over here.
Add contract type
Title: Name for the contract type should be specified here.
Description: A short description of the contract type is to be specified here.
Display order: If there are many contract types that are available then the sorting can be done from display order. Contract types get sorted as per the display order for the contract type specified.
Domain access: It consists of the contract types that will have the access to particular domain. More than one domain can be selected at a time.
Language translation for the contract type: The localization of the languages which are enabled can be made here manually for the contract type title in this system.
Status: It is possible to enable and disable a particular contract type. If the particular contract type is disabled then it will not be used by the system.
Mass operation on contract type:
You can either select a particular contract type or multiple contract type using checkbox and perform operation like enable or disable.
Note : You cannot delete or disable the default contract type but you can edit and rename the same.