How do approvals work in Vision Helpdesk?
When working on any issue in helpdesk, the staff may require a green signal (approval) from either their superiors, colleagues or even the client whose query has to be resolved. Instead of approaching them through any other means, you have the option to raise a request for approval in the system.
When you open a ticket on the top right hand corner you will find ‘more list’ icon
which displays all the operations that can be performed on a ticket. Here, in the drop down list you can select the ‘request for approval’ option.
The staff member working on the ticket can specify whose approval is required and the system will send them an approval request. The approval request can be sent to a single staff member or a team. If a client’s approval is required, a request will be sent on the concerned email address.
An approval request can be either accepted or rejected based on the approver’s own judgement. On rejecting an approval request, it is mandatory to add a note justifying the rejection. The system notifies about the approval request to the designated person via email. When the approver opens the ticket, the approval request is visible in the left-hand panel under client details.
Once an approval request is approved or rejected, a new tab appears in the ticket details named ‘Approvals’. Under this tab, you will find all the approval requests raised along with their outcome. For eg. you can see the total number of requests, count of approved, rejected, pending and cancelled requests.
Approvals are sent from staff members that need assistance before proceeding further. The approvers can be other staff members or even end user clients. When an approval request is raised, you receive an email on your registered email address. This email informs of the approval request raised, states the incident hash of the concerned incident along with a URL link that redirects to the incident.
When a staff member receives such a request, along with the email notification, the system also displays it on the staff portal. When the staff member logs in, on the dashboard itself he would find pending approval requests designated for him. These approval requests are displayed under approval icon
on the top right corner of the screen. These requests can be either accepted or rejected as per approver’s own judgement.