
Incident Management

Properties of a Ticket

Dennis Braganza Apr-23rd, 2020 16:20 0 0

Properties of a ticket

Properties of a ticket provide us additional information, like the unique ticket hash which is useful for further correspondence, subject of the ticket to understand the issue at a glance, email address of the client submitting the query, department, priority, status, etc.

Some of these properties of tickets are essential for the smooth functionality and proper resolution of client queries. For eg. assignment of ticket to a staff member who would maintain correspondence with the client, status of ticket which signifies whether the query has been resolved or not, SLA plans that ensure response and resolution of tickets in a timely manner as well as escalation of tickets, etc. Some properties are provided for additional segregation of tickets. For eg. department, flag, tag, etc.

When you open a ticket from the inbox of a staff portal, you will find the properties of the ticket are displayed on the left-hand panel under the client details. Here, you may also choose to modify these properties as per your requirements. Using mass operations, you can change the properties of multiple tickets at a time.

These properties of the ticket come in handy when you need to pin-point a ticket. As the search algorithm matches the required properties with the available ones to track down a ticket. You can also draw reports based on the property of tickets, like a custom report of all open incidents, a report of all overdue incidents, etc.

The below screenshot shows the list of properties that can be modified while responding back to a ticket.


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