Features available with the Dropbox integration:
-Get all the storage your business needs to share and collaborate without limits.
- After the successful integration, you can view the data on the drive in launcher icon.
To integrate Dropbox with this system follow the following steps:
Step 1] Login to your Dropbox account: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps and https://www.dropbox.com.
Step 2] click on my apps.create app and open it and fill information then create app.
Step 3] Copy API key and app secret.
Step 4] Set Redirect URL.(copy)
Step 5] Generate access token.
Step 6] Log-in to the manage portal, Settings/Integration/Dropbox.
API key: This field is to add the API key of the Dropbox account. (From Step 3)
Secret key for API: This field is to add the app secrte of the Dropbox account.(From Step 3)
API token: This field is to add the access token of the Dropbox account.(From Step 5)
Redirect URL: This field is to add the Redirect URIs of the Dropbox account.(From Step 4)
Status: Using this button you can enable or disable the integration with Dropbox.
Note:- The Dropbox integration is only supported by https:// site.