
Zopim Integration

Yogesh Bhalerao Apr-10th, 2019 0:51 0 0

Features available with the Zopim integration:

- We provide you with the chat box window of Zopim for online chatting with the clients by integrating it with Vision software.

- The staff agents are able to extract all the chat transcripts of Zopim conversation.

- If staff wants to convert their chat conversations into ticket then open particular chat & select convert to ticket option which is at the right side of the page.

In Zopim visitors to your website will be able to chat directly with you through the widget and you can manage multiple conversations.

Integration procedure

Step 1:-  Login to Zopim account -

Step 2 :-  Go to setting>>Website>>Live chat widget >>copy the script code



Step 3 :- Login to manage portal .Go to admin setting >>Integrations >>Zopim

Domain: Domain for which Zopim is to be integrated is to be selected from the drop down.

Email: The email of Zopim account is to be entered here.

Password: The password of Zopim account is to be entered here.

Script : You can add script for the chat.(Refer step 2)

Status: The status can be either enabled or disabled from here.

Post Integration -

    - The staff agents are able to extract all the chat transcripts of Zopim conversation.

    - If staff wants to convert their chat conversations into ticket then open particular chat & select convert to ticket option which is at the right side of the page.

     Once you integrate with zopim it would be available on client portal.


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