Steps to integrate with Jira :
Step 1:- Login to your Jira account.
Step 2:- Open the Jira profile page where you will find the username and password.
Step 3:- Log-in to the manage portal,Settings/Integrations/ Jira
Domain: Select domain for which the Jira settings is to be done.
Title: The title for the Jira needs to be mentioned here.
Username: The username for Jira is to be entered here.
Password: The password for Jira is to be entered here.
Jira URL: The URL for the Jira is to be entered here. For eg:
Status: The status for Jira can be either enabled or disabled from here. If Jira is enabled then it will work and if disabled then it will not.
Step 4:- After the successful adding of the Jira account go to:
Path: Settings >> User >>Role >> Select Role>> Integration/Jira/ select Yes.
Post integration :
The two operation you can perform by click Jira in the ticket details integration section:
1) Link issue: Here you can link the issue to your Jira account using the hash details.
2) Create issue: You are provided with the issue generation option regarding the ticket you want to link in which you can select the product and issue type from the drop-down menu and enter the subject of the issue.
3) Unlink issue: You can unlink or cancel the created or linked ticket here.
4) View issue in Jira: Selecting this will redirect to the Jira page.