Steps to integrate the Twilio :
Step 1:- Sign up for a Twilio account: or Login to Twilio account
Step 2:- Go to Dashboard to get account id and authen token
Step 3:- After the activation of the account one can get its Twilio number from:
Voice, SMS & MMS >> Getting Started >> Get your Twilio number
Step 4:- Now create the Twilio Apps from left bar -->> Twiml -->> Twiml app
Ex: Voice request URL :
SMS Request URL :
Step 5:- After Twiml app creation, open the app you have created and copy the SID.
Step 6:- Log-in to the manage portal,Settings/Integrations/ Twilio
Domain: Select the domain for which the Twilio settings is to be done.
Title: The title for the Twilio needs to be mentioned here.
Account sid: Account sid that one gets from Twilio account settings needs to be mentioned here.
Auth token: Auth token that one gets from Twilio account settings needs to be mentioned here.
Copy the Account sid and Auth token from Twilio Dashboard
Apps sid: The Apps sid that one gets after creating the TwiML App is to be mentioned here.
Status: The status can be either enabled or disabled from here.
After adding the Twilio account details next step is to create a Twiml app on manage portal.
After successful integration, go to admin setting >> User >> Role >> Select the role and enable the Twilio integration option
Post-integration working :
After Twilio integration, all the calls get recorded and stored into the Twilio option under the launcher icon.
Staff would get an option to convert that recording into the ticket.
Call recording gets attached with the ticket.
Staff can call to clients and even receive the calls over the helpdesk browser.
Also, messages can be sent and received on the helpdesk.