We provide the Google calendar and Google drive integration.
[A] Google calendar
Features available with Google calendar integration:
- Google calendar is a time-management web application and mobile app created by Google which can be integrated with this system.
- The events in the Google account you have added is fetched into the system from its
calendar which you can convert into tickets.
- You can also directly add the task and event from the system to the calendar.
Steps for Google calendar integration:
Step 1: Login to the Google developer console and create a new project https://console.developers.google.com/project.
Step 2: Select the project you have created and go to APIs & auth >> Credentials.
Click on create credentials to create new client id and insert your domain into authorized JavaScript origins and redirection URL is like http://yourdomain.com/manage.
Step 3: Click on create credentials to generate a new API key and select browser key option and insert your domain.
Step 4: To allow the API calls follow the following steps:
a. Select products and services which are at top left corner of page and click on API manager.
b. Search for Gmail API and Google calendar API enable it.
c. On the same page click on try this API in API explorer for both Gmail and Google calendar.
d. Select on the button for Authorize requests using OAuth 2.0. select all and authorize it.
Step 5: Login to the manage portal >> Settings >>Integration>>Google apps>>enable Google calendar. Select the project you have created and add the following details.
Client id: Enter the client id for the Google calendar integration. (Refer Step 2 & 3).
Client Secret: Enter the client secret key extracted. (Refer Step 2 & 3).
API Key: Add the API key. (Refer Step 2 & 3).
Redirect URL: Mention the URL where you want to redirect after the successful login.
eg: http://yourdomain.com/manage/
Note: Click on the Google app icon in the launcher menu to open it. Enable this integration in the team.
[B] Google drive
Using Google drive you can access to files anywhere through secure cloud storage and file backup for your photos, videos, files,etc.
Note: Follow the same procedure and use the same details that of Google calendar integration steps. Only the included step is to enable the Google drive api key.