
Administrator Guide

Vision Helpdesk Custom field group Settings

Karishma Sibal Apr-30th, 2015 16:06 0 0

Custom Field

There would be times when you would require additional fields to obtain more information about your client as it helps for a better understanding of customer requirement. So Vision helpdesk offers you the feature - Custom fields which can be added on various forms such as Incident creation, User registration, organization, Task to gather client data.

Vision helpdesk allows you to add different fields that can capture data in different formats.

Below are the type of field you can add use custom field -


















Field type



It allows short single line text

example: name of the client


It allows large multiline text

example: Address of the client


Texts would be in the encoded format

example : ********


(Multiple option can be selected)

You can provide a list of options to your customers to choose from.

example : Queries related to :

1. Incidents


3. Email queue

Radio Button:

(One option can be selected )

In case you want only a single option to be selected.

Example : Product interested in :


2. Satellite desk

3. Service desk

Select Box:

List of options in a dropdown menu. Client can select one option.

Multiple Select Box:

List of options in a dropdown menu. Client can select multiple option.

Date time:

Client can select a date from calendar popup.


Additional comments or notes can added.

There are 4 forms where custom fields can be added -

  1. Incident creation - You can add custom fields when Incident is created either by client or by staff. Once you add a custom field in Incident creation form the data entered is recorded and displayed in Incident detail area.
  2. User registration - You can add custom fields on client registration form. These fields shall be visible in client profile area.
  3. Organisation - You can add custom fields for Organisation form. These fields shall be visible in the organisation area.
  4. Task - You can add custom fields under task creation.

There are 2 steps to add a custom field -

  1. Create a custom Field Group .
  2. Add a Custom fields under the respective custom field group.

1. Create a custom Field Group -

Below are the configuration required for same.

Title: The name or the title for the custom field group is to be specified here.

Display order: You can add the sequence in which you want to display this Custom fields group in the listing page.

Group type: You can select under which form you want to add custom fields i.e. User registration, User Incident creation, Staff Incident creationtal, Both Incident creations, Organization , Task

Visible to: Here you can set the permission for making visible this custom field group to client, staff or both.

Language translation for the custom field group title: The localization of the languages which are enabled can be made here manually for the custom field group title in this system.

Status: It is possible to enable or disable the particular custom field group. If it is disabled then the particular custom field group will not be available to use in add custom field option.

2. Add a Custom fields

You can add the custom field as per your requirement under the custom field group.


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