Email template mapping
If you want to use the email templates provided by this software into different email scenarios you can manage the settings here. There can be different email templates that can be set for the different domain for different events.
The fields of the email template mapping are as explained below:
Domain: The particular domain for which the email templates are to be set is to be selected from the drop-down.
Add client: Here you can select the email template you want to use when the client gets added.
Reply Incident: The email template can be selected from drop down which you want to map when the Incident is replied
Registration required: If you have kept registration compulsory for the clients before they can submit a Incident then you can select the Registration required email template.
Forgot password: In case of password recovery request, you can select “Forgot password” email template.
Email approval pending: Whenever client approval is pending for the client for that you can select the email template.
Send email: The email template can be selected in case of send mail operation from here.
Forward: The template you want to use when the Incident is forwarded can be selected from here.
Credit required: If a client has opted to open Incident for a paid department but his account do not have sufficient funds. In such case you can send Credit required template to client.
Contract approval: In Service desk, if you have a created a contract and need approval for the same, in such case you can send Contract approval template.
Change approval: If a new change request is created and you need approval for the same then you can select change approval template.
Release approval: If a new release request is created and you need approval for the same then you can select release approval template.
Update: Click on the update button to update the changes.