The impact is a measure of the effect of an incident, problem, or change on business processes. Impact is often based on how service levels will be affected.
You can add impact like impacts business, user or a group, etc. You can also link for which module you want to add impact say Incident, change, problem, assets.
This is an optional field. You can also disable this field.
Path: System settings >>Module Properties>> Impact.
Steps to add Impact:
Title: Here you can add the title for Impact.
Color: Here you can add color for impact.
Description: Here you can add a short note for impact.
Display order: If you have added multiple impact and you want them to be arranged in specific sequence then you can use display order.
Module: Here you can specify module access.
Status: You can enable or disable an impact from here
Add: Once you click on add, the new department will be added to the system.