Service category:
Service Category is a comprehensive list of IT Services and the Business Services provided by the IT department to the end-users.
You can add various service categories like Hardware, Software, service, etc.
Path: Settings >> Module settings >> Service Category
Mass Action on Release type:
It is possible to select either of the service category or more than one service category with the help of checklist and perform the desired action on them. The release type can be either enabled or disabled.
Any release type can be deleted using the delete option except the default service category.
You can also edit the existing service category.
Apply Filter:
The filter list is used to provide more efficient and effective searches.
You can filter based on the title and enabled or disabled option.
Steps to add a service category :
Domain access: Here you can select the domain access.
Title: Here you can define the title for service category.
Description: You can add a short description of the service category.
Status: You can enable or disable a service category from here.
Add: Once you click on add, the new department will be added to the system.