The departments can be created and managed under the company or domain. Each domain can have a number of departments. In the left panel of the manage portal, one can see the tree-like structure that consists of Domain at the top followed by the departments.
Departments help us to organize Incidents(queries) in a proper manner. Also clustering or grouping the Incidents help us for better customer support since the incidents are aligned to respective staff members. You can say departments work just similar to folders.
Further, you can have Status per department which gives you a count of Incidents for a respective status like open, awaiting, close.
Also, you may require additional properties related to Incident like the priority, Incident category, type, subtype which can be added as per your requirement.
Path: Settings >> Module Properties >> Department
Steps to add department
Add department:
Domain: Domain for which the particular department is to be added is to be selected from the drop-down (In case of Satellite and Service desk you will get the option of Domain selection)
Title: The name of the department is to be specified here.
Autoresponder email: You can select the template for autoresponder and mail will be sent to the client whenever an Incident is submitted for the particular department. Autoresponder will contain the Incident hash and client login details. It is possible to change the text of the autoresponder from email templates section.
Display order: If there are many departments available then sorting for the department listing can be done from display order. Departments get sorted as per the display order of the domain specified.
Access: The access to the particular department can be either public or private.
- Public: Public department will be visible to the client on the client portal and also to the staff in the manage portal.
- Private: Private department will be accessible only to the staff in the manage portal. It won’t be visible to the clients in the client portal.
Billing Method: You can specify if the department is free i.e. credit is not required to submit an Incident or postpaid i.e if you want to bill client after they submit Incident or prepaid in case you want to bill your client before they can submit an Incident to a specific department.
Autoresponder: You can select “Yes” if you want to send autoresponder for this department. You can select the template for autoresponder from “Autoresponder email”.
Registration required: If department registration is set as “yes” then the client needs to register before submitting an Incident from the client portal. If the option is set as “no” then the client will be able to submit an Incident without registration.
Team access: Defines which team has access to this department. All the staff members belonging to the selected team will be able to view Incidents under this department when they log in to the staff portal.
Staff access: Defines which staff has access to this department. The staff selected here means the staff can view Incidents under this department when they log in to the staff portal.
Status: The status of a particular department can be enabled and disabled from here.
Add: Once you click on add, the new department will be added to the system.