Product status
Product status helps us to know whether the product is under production or expired for tracking its utilization feasibility.
Add product status
Title: The name for the product status is to be specified here.
Color: In this field, you can select the color for the particular status.
Description: A short description of the product status is to be specified here.
Display order: If there are many product statuses that are available then sorting can be done from display order. Product statuses get sorted as per the display order for the product status specified.
Domain access: It consists of a domain that will have access to particular product status. More than one domain can be selected at a time. It is also possible to select all the domains using all domains option.
Language translation for the product status: The localization of the languages which are enabled can be made here manually for the product status title in this system.
Status: The status of the product status can be enabled and disabled from here. If the status is disabled then the particular product status cannot be used by the system.
Mass operation on Product status:
You can either select a particular Product status or multiple Product status using checkbox and perform operation like enable or disable.
Note: You cannot delete or disable the default Product status but you can edit and rename the same.