Gamification -
Gamification module can be used for employee engagement activity. It also helps to trace out staff performance based on how they are handling Incidents and other activities.
You can reward your staff with reward points based on different events in the helpdesk. Gamification module is linked with two modules Incident and knowledge base. Below are the general settings related to Gamification.
Award points -
Fast reply – If staff reply Incident says in less than 10 minutes then you can reward points.
Reply within SLA time - If staff reply Incident within SLA time then you can reward points.
Overdue Incident reply – If staff fails to reply within SLA time than negative points can be given to staff.
Bonus points -
Happy customer (>=3 rating) of Incident feedback - Based on article likes by the client i.e. greater than 3.
Unhappy customer (<3 rating) of Incident feedback - Based on article likes by the client less than 3.
Self Help article – Reward points if staff adds self-help article.
Incident notes - Reward points if staff adds Incident notes.
Forum topic - Reward points if staff adds Forum topic
Forum topic reply - Reward points if staff replies to a forum topic
Staff levels – Based on reward points staff are graduated to different levels in the helpdesk.
Status: Gamification module can be enabled or disabled from here.
You can also create a quest for staff. Below are settings for same.
Solve : You can specify the number of Incidents which needs to be solved within a given time span.
Incidents in a span of : You can specify time span or duration within which quest needs to be completed.
Criteria: You can add multiple conditions here.
Add: Click on add button to create a new quest.