Product catalog
Product catalog offers a centralized approach to managing products that you are currently using in your organization.
For example a laptop, mouse, printer, etc.
Add product catalog
Title: The name for the particular product catalog can be added from here.
CI type: The category for configuration item type can be selected from here.
Manufacturer: The manufacturer for the product is to be specified here.
Product status: The status of the particular product that is added is to be selected from the drop-down.
Mode of procurement: The mode of procurement for a particular product is to be selected from the drop-down.
Description: The description of the particular product is to be specified here.
Domain access: It consists of a domain that will have access to a particular product catalog. More than one domain can be selected at a time. It is possible to select all the departments using all domain option.
Status: The status for the particular product catalog can be either enabled or disabled from here.
Mass operation on product catalog:
You can either select a particular product catalog or multiple product catalog using checkbox and perform an operation like enable or disable.
Import and Export : You can also import product catalog list using CSV file and export the product catalog list.